Catherine Cheney
Catherine Cheney
2016 Bills I am Sponsoring
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HB1293 AN ACT relative to the procedure for charter amendments
RSA 49-B:5 was changed in 2014, in 2015 the law was used for the Petition Process in Dover, some parts of the law will be cleared up and the number of signatures required lowered. In Dover the number of signature required to place a question on the 2015 municipal ballot was 872 or 20 percent of the voters that voted in the 2013 municipal election. The new number required would be 430 .
The Change in the number of signatures is the only substantiative change.
. Updates language to clarify ballot process happens at Municipal Elections
. Number of Signatures changed from 20% to 10% of the ballots cast in the last Municipal Election
. Original Petition Committee Signatures (25) Counted to final required number of signatures
. Removes redundant language of Public Hearing conducted by Municipal Officers
. Clarifies petition language as the language of the ballot
. Further clean-up of language
HB1315 AN ACT adding mixed-use development to the definition of business and industrial facility
RSA 162-G is pretty clear in section 16.IV. The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed in order to effect its purposes.
. Adds “mixed-use development” to section 3.IV Definition of Business and Industrial Facility
HB1382 AN ACT relative to the referendum procedure for public water systems
RSA 485:14-a requires the number of signatures to petition for a ballot question to be 10 percent of the registered voters in all the towns served by a water system. 10% of the registered voters in Dover for a 2015 petition would be a count of 1100 signatures.
. Change the number of signatures to 20% of the voters voting in the last municipal election
2016 Bills I am Co-Sponsoring
Click on links to see full text of bills.
HB1199 AN ACT allowing adults to play children’s bingo at private campgrounds or hotels
HB1259 AN ACT relative to liability for third party review of site plans
HB1304 AN ACT relative to town maintenance of a road designated as a highway to summer cottages
HB1413 AN ACT establishing a commission to study processes to resolve right-to-know complaints
HB1500 AN ACT relative to default budgets for the purpose of setting tax rates
SB349 AN ACT relative to city chief election officers
SB471-FN AN ACT relative to parking for persons with disabilities