Catherine Cheney

Catherine Cheney
Catherine Cheney 9 Snows Court Dover, NH 03820 (603) 740-4697
As Your State Representative
★ Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Legislation to support New Hampshire’s assets and advantages
★ Municipal and County Government Committee
★ Manufactured Homes Subcommittee
As 5-Term City Councilor
★ Acted to Recover Misappropriated Money Owed to the Taxpayers and Employees
★ Vice-Chair Financial Policy Committee
★ Software Selection Committee
★ Appointed by the Dover City Council as “Charter Champion”
★ Worked on 9 Budgets (Tax-Cap community since 2008)
★ Worked on 9 Capital Improvement Plans
★ Chair, Charter Authentication and Verification Committee
★ Chair, Ordinance Committee
★ Chair, Woodman Park, Horne Street and SAU Joint Building Committees
★ Member Garrison School Building Committee
As Former County Commissioner
★ Jail Operations
★ Riverside Rest Home
★ County Court System
★ Volunteer
★ Worked on 2 Budgets - Approved by State Delegation
Proven Leadership
Effective and Efficient Government
Please feel free to contact me at anytime!
CALL --> (603) 740-4697
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